Musica per la Pace

Music is a universal language, it’s used by people of all cultures, all over the world and does not need translation. Through music people can express feelings and emotions and also convey messages and tell stories. Music can be used for bringing people together for a good cause.

Let’s play for Peace” is a multimedia musical project launched recently by Rachid Bensekrane. This project is based on multi-screen videos featuring several amateur or professional musicians preforming from all around the world to spread the message of peace. Performing music involves coordination and effort but the multicultural aspect of instruments, sounds and rhythms is amazing and you will definitely enjoy the musical pieces.

La nostra amica e collaboratrice, la flautista professionista Cristina Italiani ha aderito al progetto e spera di trasmettere la sua passione per la musica e di comunicare attraverso il suo flauto sentimenti positivi, calorosi e di pace.

Check out the project’s Facebook page at:

Guardate anche questi video delle performance meravigliose della nostra amica Cristina:
