Un assaggio di letteratura internazionale

My nighbour?s book of the Filippo Buonarroti and the Orticoltura Libraries, is resuming this year after a one year disconnect bringing a collection of national and international literature to the district five community. GWC?s deputy director Sandra Rodrigues Sandra Rodrigues presenterà il suo libro all'evento che terrà venerdì 7 maggio 2021 alle ore 17:30.

Sandra?s book is about the principle of responsibility in which she talks about the collective responsibility of a community towards each other.

For four weeks starting from May 7th, every Friday, the public are welcome to join in this event which will be inaugurated by District 5?s president Cristiano Balliand will be broadcasted live on the YouTube channel of district 5 through this link:


 Siete tutti benventut!
