The nomination of the new board of Directors GMI – Firenze

On Saturday December 3rd at the “International Students Center Giorgio La Pira”, the Florentine section of GMI held a meeting for the nomination of the new Board of Directors. GMI Firenze said goodbye to the former board, chaired by Saloua Ouda, and greeted the new board, led by Amna Ali. The newly elected president declared […]

Florentine Islamic Communities celebrate Eid al Adha

Last week, in occasione of Eid al Adha, Good World Citizen and the organization Giovani Musulmani d’Italia -Firenze, along with Comunità Islamica di Firenze e Toscana, the Associazione Islamica di Firenze-Sorgane and the Moschea Rahma dell’Isolotto organized a festival for families of the Islamic communities of Florence and their friends. The program of the day […]

Cultural and Religious Intermediation: an interview with Prof. Isabella Gagliardi

The University of Florence initiated in the academic year 2021/2022 a new master’s degree course in “Cultural and Religious Intermediation”. We met the President of the new course, Professor Isabella Gagliardi. Professor Gagliardi is a lecturer and scholar of History of Christianity from Antiquity to the Middle Ages, which she studies particularly in a comparative […]

Florentine religious heritage and future prospects of inclusion

Florence is renowned for its Renaissance cultural heritage. What is less known is the fact that the city is characterized by an extraordinarily rich and plural religious life. Along side the Christians Churches, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus and other religious minorities call Florence their home. The presence of these minorities enriches the society but also […]

Music for Peace

Music is a universal language, it’s used by people of all cultures, all over the world and does not need translation. Through music people can express feelings and emotions and also convey messages and tell stories. Music can be used for bringing people together for a good cause. “Let’s play for Peace” is a multimedia […]

CRESCENDO: conclusion and outcomes

The CRESCENDO project represents the continuation of Co.Me.Te. which was carried out in the previous school year (2019/2020). In both projects several encounters were organized in different high schools in the Metropolitan Area of Florence. These encounters were held by trainers who collaborate with the La Pira Center and who come from different countries. The […]
