European Migration Forum: Youth inclusion and integration

Last 20th and 21st October, the European Migration Forum was held in Brussels. Good World Citizen was selected, along with 150 organizations from all over Europe, to participate in the event, which was organized by the European Economic and Social Council. In line with the EU initiative of the European Year of Youth, the focus […]

Florentine Islamic Communities celebrate Eid al Adha

Last week, in occasione of Eid al Adha, Good World Citizen and the organization Giovani Musulmani d’Italia -Firenze, along with Comunità Islamica di Firenze e Toscana, the Associazione Islamica di Firenze-Sorgane and the Moschea Rahma dell’Isolotto organized a festival for families of the Islamic communities of Florence and their friends. The program of the day […]

Cultural and Religious Intermediation: an interview with Prof. Isabella Gagliardi

The University of Florence initiated in the academic year 2021/2022 a new master’s degree course in “Cultural and Religious Intermediation”. We met the President of the new course, Professor Isabella Gagliardi. Professor Gagliardi is a lecturer and scholar of History of Christianity from Antiquity to the Middle Ages, which she studies particularly in a comparative […]

Florentine religious heritage and future prospects of inclusion

Florence is renowned for its Renaissance cultural heritage. What is less known is the fact that the city is characterized by an extraordinarily rich and plural religious life. Along side the Christians Churches, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus and other religious minorities call Florence their home. The presence of these minorities enriches the society but also […]

The Mediterranean Sea: frontier of dialogue and peace

The city of Florence is preparing to welcome a great event from 23 to 27 February. In the name of the mayor-saint Giorgio La Pira, the city will host the “Mediterranean frontier of peace” conference, promoted by the Italian Episcopal Conference, and the “Florence Mediterranean Mayors’ Forum”, summoned by the mayor of Florence Dario Nardella. […]

New Year 2022

As another year comes to an end, and we prepare to welcome the new year, we at Good World Citizen would like to wish a happy new year to everyone. We would like to thank all those who supported our projects and initiatives and were present at our events. Your participation was valuable and encouraging. […]
