Music for Peace

Music is a universal language, it’s used by people of all cultures, all over the world and does not need translation. Through music people can express feelings and emotions and also convey messages and tell stories. Music can be used for bringing people together for a good cause. “Let’s play for Peace” is a multimedia […]

New Year 2022

As another year comes to an end, and we prepare to welcome the new year, we at Good World Citizen would like to wish a happy new year to everyone. We would like to thank all those who supported our projects and initiatives and were present at our events. Your participation was valuable and encouraging. […]

CRESCENDO: conclusion and outcomes

The CRESCENDO project represents the continuation of Co.Me.Te. which was carried out in the previous school year (2019/2020). In both projects several encounters were organized in different high schools in the Metropolitan Area of Florence. These encounters were held by trainers who collaborate with the La Pira Center and who come from different countries. The […]

Interculturalism: a new approach for a new society

One of the core values of Good World Citizen is interculturalism which is a fundamental and essential approach in an interconnected and globalized world. On Friday 15th of October in the Sala Verde at the Scuole Pie Fiorentine, GWC presented its team and its projects and, most importantly, the significance of the intercultural approach and […]

Middle East Now: more than just films

Cinema, documentaries, art, music, food, meetings and cultural projects, Middle East Now Festival (MENF) returns to Florence from the 28th of September to the 3rd of October 2021 for it’s twelfth edition. The theme of this edition is (Re)-Aligning Perspectives, highlighting the need for readjustment after the immense impact of a global crisis that has […]

Mahfuz and Pratolini: a comparative reading

Two writers, two different cities: Nagib Mahfuz’s Cairo and Vasco Pratolini’s Florence. Each writing about the everyday life in the alleys of their neighbourhood. The analogies between the writings of these two distinguished authors will be the theme of the conference organized by Good World Citizen and The Centro Creatività Cultura. The conference is going […]
